Teide Records's Blog
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Organisation is key. As artists, you will often feel like you are being pulled from many directions at once, but always try to set your priorities straight and get everything under control.

Once you do that, (if you can't by yourself, seek help - see previous post) your life will be happier, and your career will move forward.

Guidance and Support. Those two things are very valuable to have when starting out.

From simply having someone to plan out a strategy with you, to legal support when signing a contract.

Don't trust the people that believe to know everything and who say ''they don't need anyone'', normally they are full of it...

Seek guidance, seek support - this is YOUR journey, but you are not stranded in a dessert.

That being said, we are here to support you and help you get your music heard. for more info -https://smpl.is/odud

Sometimes you are taking very small steps forward and it feels as if you are not really getting anywhere with your career. Sometimes this is due different circumstances, maybe you are not working smart enough, maybe you are not considering the help of others. Often musicians, and artists in general, believe that they are solo machines that should do everything themselves, and asking someone else for help seems like a weakness, where in fact asking others is the best way to learn and get things done.

Don't let your ego kill your creativity and career, work with others!

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